Monday, 23 August 2010

The One In Which I Catch A Cold

Bit of a boring title, really, but then again, so is this cold.

I’ve been stuck in bed for the past few days, box of tissues by my side and used ones by the other.
Hubby daren’t come in in case he catches something, so I’m all alone in this pit of misery.
Littleboy1 tried coming in earlier, with a ice-cold lemonade (not really what I need, but still, it’s sweet), but Hubby pulled him out as soon as he set foot in the room.
It’s as though I’m diseased.
I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Jasper since I developed this mild bout, but I suppose that’s a good thing, seeing as though I don’t want his hairs up my nose to make this worse.

For breakfast this morning, Hubby brought me breakfast in bed (how sweet…), wearing a doctor’s mask.
“Take that stupid thing off,” I said as I held the tray. A get well soon card was placed next to my toast from Littleboy1 - handmade.
It says:

Mummy get well soon please love Littleboy1 x x x x x x x x x x x x

I placed it on the window ledge so that I could stare at it, reminded of his love for me.
Hubby kissed my forehead (still with the mask on) and left me alone.

This is going to be a nice week…


Anonymous said...

Awww sounds like the wee ones want there mummy better! Hope you feel better soon!

Mancunian Mum said...

Thanks! I am, actually, thank goodness. My nose is still bunged up, and I'm forever sneezing, but I don't feel as groggy and I'm actually allowed downstairs now!