As soon as I stopped pulling my hair out and crying hysterically, I finally came to terms with the fact that in a few short hours I would be hosting (alone - Hubby was away on a business trip) a sleepover.
“What food does Jake like?” was the first question I asked, getting up from the table unsteadily and feeling faint.
“He likes pizza.”
Of course. Why waste my breath?
“What kind of pizza?”
“Tesco pizza.”
I could see I was getting nowhere here, so I just strapped both the Littleboys in the car and drove down to Tesco.
I didn’t want to risk anything, so I bought pepperoni, cheese & tomato and ham & pineapple. I also bought a few bottles of blackcurrant fruit-shoots in case he didn’t like the fresh orange juice we had at home in the fridge.
As soon as we got home (accompanied by a few Tesco bags), I unloaded everything into cupboards and into the fridge.
“What else does Jake like, Littleboy1? Does he like Calippo ice-lollies?”
Littleboy1 just shrugged and went back to his room to play with his Lego towers.
As I said in my previous post, thanks Littleboy1. He’s such a big help, isn’t he? He makes me so proud…
At 5:30 on the dot the doorbell rang, and so I quickly adjusted my hair (I don’t know why, I must have assumed she’d have changed her mind if she saw me with rat’s tails).
“Hi there!” she beamed, dressed in a really posh suit even though it was the holidays.
“Hello. And hello, Jake!”
Jake just waved and ran past me to find Littleboy1. Polite, huh?
“Sorry about that,” the woman said, the smile never even leaving her face. “He’s excited, is all.”
I just smiled.
“I’ll pick him up tomorrow after breakfast then?”
“Yeah, that’ll be fine. Goodbye.”
I shut the door as soon as I could. Good grief.
After tea (I realised Jake liked the pepperoni pizza), I had a bit of quiet time to myself as I’d already set up the Z-bed in Littleboy1’s room. They were both playing with Littleboy1’s toy cars, ambulances and police vans. How two children can find such enjoyment out of plastic good-for-nothing cars I’ll never know.
Littleboy2 only disrupted me once, wailing for his nappy to be changed, and then he slept like a baby (hmm, bad choice of words there).
At about 9pm (I’d been generous - I hope Littleboy1 doesn’t think this is going to be a regular thing) I checked on the boys to make sure they were in their pyjamas and in bed.
Far from it.
They were both fully-clothed (including muddy shoes from playing football outside in the back garden earlier), chatting loud as anything, and bouncing on Littleboy1’s bed.
Oops. I didn’t mean for Incredible Hulk to come out of his shell, it just happened as quick as a flash.
“Littleboy1, off your bed right now. You know you’re not allowed to bounce on the bed, especially with mucky shoes on!”
“Sorry Mummy…”
“Now, I want you in your pyjamas and in bed by the time I come back - 5 minutes.”
I turned and walked out of the door, pretty pleased that I could control two 4 year old boys.
I rewarded myself with a nice cake. A lovely, creamy, chocolaty Éclair. Yummy.
I went back to check on the boys when I’d finished every last bite (it may have taken a bit longer than 5 minutes - I wanted to savour each bite as Hubby limits me to 1 cake per day as I am watching my weight here).
Luckily, they were in bed, clothes strewn all over the carpet, shoes beside their bed in pairs.
“Good boys,” I said. “Now, get some sleep, because little boys need lots of sleep.”
I don’t know where that came from. I think I was trying to threaten them in some way, but it kind of backfired slightly.
I turned off the light and closed the door. I then went up to bed because I was very tired after that stressful day. Seriously - I was so tired that as soon as I lay down on my pillow I was fast asleep…
The next morning was pretty ordinary. Jake chose Weetabix (the healthy option) whereas Littleboy1 chose Coco Pops (the not-so-healthy option).
I just had some black coffee (I always need black coffee in my mornings otherwise I don’t know what to do) and a breakfast bar.
I think Jake’s mum is a bit psychic. Honestly! As soon as I put the kids’ bowls in the sink the doorbell rang. Spooky or what?!
I don’t think I’ll be having Jake round for a while, or anybody for that matter. I just need a rest, which I think will be fairly impossible this Summer…
Oh well done, you got through it in one piece3. Now he'll be wanting them all the time. Sorry.
Wow, I am impressed - I don't think I could handle a sleepover with a strange child just yet (and my eldest is 5!) Sounds like you handled it impeccably!
That seemed...remarkably unproblematic. I was expecting at least a trip to the ER. Or maybe that's just how it would go down at our house.
Wow, I'm not looking forward to my little miss growing up! Just planned her 1st birthday party and that was bad enough let alone having another little terror over a whole night! Even worse someone else's little terror. Well done you :)
notSupermum - Thanks! Oh God, I hope not...
JulieB - Thanks! I didn't think I'd be able to do it, or get any sleep, but I managed it, thank God.
Keely - Me too! I was just waiting for the moment when the boys would run up to me, bleeding or something, but thankfully not.
Carrie - I know, I just wish it was all the other way around, because I'm just not quite ready for a bombardment of sleepover requests. Thanks!
I dread the sleepovers. I also need lots of sleep and something tells me you get very little as they get older.
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